Archive | April, 2012
30 Apr

This is so true and I think that is mainly because we are actually fully conscious of the people watching us when they are actually there in our presence, but online we are hiding behind a computer screen and a lot of times happen to only think that our friends will be the ones reading all the content we post. This is not true at all though. Especially with future employers now Googling us and looking at our social media sites to get a better perspective on us. Now that I’m in college and know I’ll soon be in that position, I can honestly say I’ve started to watch what I post (also thanks to a lot of my older family member who have now discovered Facebook).

BP's Fuel For Thought

How do you feel when you stand before a crowd with all eyes on you?  Do your palms get cold and clammy?  Do you become nervous and anxious?  Do you blush, tremble, shake, or get nauseous?  Multiple sources indicate that 90 percent of all people deal with some level of stage fright (Vijai P. Sharma).  So chances are pretty good that you deal with some degree of stage fright.  However, this article is not about overcoming stage fright.  Even though 90% of people deal with this issue, there is at least one stage where the vast majority of people feel no fright at all!

This stage is none other than Facebook.  Last month, Facebook exceeded the 900 million active user mark.  This means that there are potentially 900 million people able to watch you and see exactly what you say and do.  Are you feeling a little bit of that…

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25 Apr

Not surprised.. I don’t even have cable anymore, I just use online sites.


As government strives to keep up with the broadband age, the Senate’s Commerce Committee held a hearing today covering the future of television, but midway through the hearing I realized that the Senate has it all wrong. The future of TV isn’t to be found in deregulation — it’s on the Internet. We just have to let it happen. And to do that, Congress needs to look at how broadband providers control access to content, through caps, specialized offerings and deals.

Unfortunately, Congress didn’t do all of that. It danced around the problems of pipe owners also owning content providers and pay TV distribution businesses. It didn’t ask about caps on broadband and how that serves the interests of the pay TV business, and despite the fact that network neutrality was brought up several times and was cited by Barry Diller, the chairman of IAC (s iaci), and Amazon’s (s…

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The future of retail?

25 Apr


After reading The future of retail? from Tom Payne’s blog, it really made me think about how the internet is really changing all aspects of life. I myself am guilty of online shopping to avoid going to stores. Not only for that reason though, online many stores have a lot of online only sales or deals and items you can’t even get in the store. Then, there are also sites like Amazon and eBay that have unbeatable prices. I’m not sure what the future holds for retail, but I think they have to start competing and really find ways to reel customers back in.


Dance Class..$20. Youtube..priceless.

22 Apr

You really don’t have to watch this whole video.. unless you intend to actually learn the dance. But my point today is that it’s not just old forms of media that are being taken over by new forms of media. Like this for example, I can easily learn this dance at home by watching this video over and over at my own pace instead of actually going to a dance studio and paying money to learn it. Something’s just can’t be helped and the internet is one of those things. We can’t stop people from posting things on the internet, that’s their choice. Financially, a lot of industries are gonna suffer with the growing internet and they just have to find ways either go along with the flow or try and fight it.

Does that make me weird?

17 Apr

Pandora is cool and all, but I prefer listening to the radio.. hearing the radio personalities speak, the commercials,the promotions. It makes me feel.. connected. I know the whole point of Pandora is to play the music you like without interruptions, commercials and stuff, but for some reason, anytime I do use Pandora I feel so disconnected and like I’ve feel into a hole and isolated myself. I feel like that’s weird or maybe not, but at least I won’t feel as guilty when I’m sitting on Facebook and Twitter for hours. In my opinion, iHeartRadio>Pandora.



Tupac Lives!!!

17 Apr

First off, I just got really frustrated with WordPress for not letting me log in like 10 times.. I was so excited when I saw this video that I had to post on it! Coachella has come to an end, but with that said, a new age of technology is well under way..well, I hope! At the closing night concert on Sunday, during Snoop Dogg & Dr. Dre’s performance Tupac appeared on stage to perform right along with them. It was a hologram of the late rapper. Honestly, when I saw this I might have possibly cried tears of joy. I just thought it was so amazing & also gave me the chills with how real it all seemed. This is the kind of thing you see in like futuristic movies, but now that it’s being done in real life, it just shows how advanced technology really is. I feel like next they’re gonna be bringing Michael Jackson back! I’m still amazed at this just because this is the future, technology is the future..the things we can do with technology is just amazing. But just a quick side note.. I no longer want a puppy for my birthday, I want a Tupac hologram. Please & thank you!

15 Apr
15 Apr

I LOVE Pinterest and with it’s growing popularity, I think this idefinitely a smart move not only for individuals/entrepreneurs to use, but also businesses! It’s a great way to get a product out there.. And, free advertising! Doesn’t get any better than that.

Mad About New Media

Are you wondering what all the fuss is about Pinterest? Although the internet has made many of us content producers, many of us are just better at getting stuff from some sites. I tend to save interesting images from the internet and sorting them can be a real pain. If you’re like me and you collect as such, you will loooove Pinterest. Their goal is to “connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting.”
Pinterest is a Virtual pin-board where you find what you like or find interesting on the web and “pin” it to a board. When you join, you create boards and name them what you like. I started with creating a board of fashionable finds I get on the internet. I also created a board for books on my Amazon wishlist and places I would love to visit. Pinterest is really great for individuals…

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15 Apr

I like this because nowadays, everyone says print is dying and that everyone’s in the digital age with their Kindles & IPads, but what about the people who can’t afford that stuff? Yes, it is a lot harder to access print books and stuff now because of how the demand as decreased, but I wouldn’t necessarily call it dead just yet.

politics from the eyes of an ebony mom

NEW YORK, NY –April 12, 2012 – wants to save the written word and bring it into the lives of underprivileged kids, one book at a time. With help from Grammy nominated Keri Hilson, is motivating teens and young people across the country to join in the second nationwide book drive from now until May to bring books to local people in need. This is going to be EPIC; the Epic Book Drive to be exact. Access to books continues to be a barrier in education equality. In fact, 61 percent of low-income families have no age-appropriate books at all in their homes for their children. “This may be a shocking statistic to some kids who have nightmares of endless summer reading lists,” said April Wright, campaign manager of Epic Book Drive. “’s Epic Book Drive is an extraordinary opportunity to motivate teens to take action around education…

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A few words on Flashmobs

14 Apr

I’ve read a lot of post about how flash mobs are really growing and “taking the media by storm,” but to be honest, i don’t see it. I mean I’ve participated in one be for and it was fun and when my friends saw it on tv or online, they told me they saw me, but i know for a fact they had no idea what the flashmob was actually about. Yes, flashmobs are memorable and something really cool to witness, but when it comes to effectiveness, more people are gonna remember the dancing in stuff more than they’ll actually remember what the flashmob was for. It jsut simply doesn’t have that ‘sticky’ factor.